Open discussion of changes in tariffs for centralized water supply and centralized water drainage for 2022

The "Infoxvodokanal" branch of LLC "Infox," in accordance with the resolution of the National Commission for State Regulation in the Spheres of Energy and Utilities (hereinafter - NKREKP) dated 30.06.2017 No. 866 "On Approval of the Procedure for Open Discussion of NKREKP Draft Decisions," informs about the open discussion on changes in tariffs for centralized water supply and centralized sewage for 2022.

The change in tariffs for centralized water supply and centralized sewage is planned taking into account changes in electricity tariffs, prices of reagents and fuel and lubricants, subsistence minimum, amounts of depreciation charges, tax rates and fees, the cost of services provided by other organizations, etc.

Comments and suggestions, as well as applications for participation in the open discussion regarding changes in tariffs for 2022, are accepted until 3:00 PM on May 20, 2021, at the email address [email protected] and in written form at the address: Odesa, Basseyna St., 5.

The open discussion will be held at the address: Odesa, Basseyna St., 5, assembly hall, on May 21, 2021, at 12:00 PM.


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